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Do You See Me? Inclusion in All Facets for Those with Disabilities

Next week, we will celebrate Learning Disability Week. As we prepare to do so, it’s important to ask ourselves a question candidates silently ask themselves every time they consider an organization: “Do You See Me?” This question of representation resonates deeply with everyone, including those who live with disabilities, reminding us of the importance of inclusion in every aspect of life.

Embracing Diversity

Inclusion starts with recognizing the unique strengths and perspectives that individuals with disabilities bring to our communities. It’s about moving beyond mere awareness to true acceptance and integration. This means creating environments where everyone feels valued and understood, from classrooms to boardrooms.

Inclusive Workplaces

Employers have a pivotal role in fostering inclusivity. This involves not only adhering to legal requirements but also actively promoting a culture that celebrates diversity. Providing reasonable accommodations, promoting flexible working arrangements, and ensuring accessible workspaces are just the beginning. When companies embrace inclusivity, they benefit from a diverse range of talents and perspectives, driving innovation and growth.

Creating Inclusion through Tools and Accommodations

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology can be a game-changer in making workplaces more inclusive. Tools like screen readers, speech-to-text software, and ergonomic keyboards can help employees with disabilities perform their tasks effectively. For instance, Microsoft’s Accessibility Features include a range of tools designed to assist individuals with various learning disabilities. Talk about these tools on your career site, feature them in recruitment marketing and employer brand imagery. Make it part of the connective tissue to show it's more than just tokenism at work.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work schedules and remote work options can significantly enhance inclusivity. These accommodations can help employees with disabilities manage their work-life balance more effectively. For example, Salesforce offers flexible work arrangements to support its diverse workforce, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Workplace Adjustments

Simple adjustments to the physical workspace can make a huge difference. This includes providing ergonomic furniture, creating quiet workspaces, and ensuring that office layouts are wheelchair accessible. A great example is the efforts made by Google to create an inclusive environment through thoughtful design and accessible facilities. Even seemingly small adjustments such as providing team members apps to use such as Goblin Tools, which can help those with learning disabilities manage workload through breaking down tasks, providing reminders and timers (as well as offering visual supports), can make a big difference in helping workers with learning disabilities feel belonging.

Training and Awareness Programs

Raising awareness and providing training about disabilities can foster a more inclusive culture. Programs that educate employees about the importance of inclusivity and how to support colleagues with disabilities are essential. Companies like Accenture have well-developed training programs promoting disability inclusion and support.

Ensuring Representation in Employer Brand and Recruitment Marketing

Inclusive Messaging

Ensuring representation in employer branding and recruitment marketing messages is critical. This means highlighting stories and testimonials from employees with disabilities, showcasing their contributions and successes within the company. Representation fosters a sense of belonging and signals to potential candidates that the organization values diversity.

Authentic Visuals

Using authentic visuals that include people with disabilities in marketing materials can significantly impact perceptions. It’s important to depict real employees rather than models to ensure authenticity. For instance, LinkedIn emphasizes the importance of showcasing a diverse workforce in their employer branding efforts.

Accessible Content

All recruitment marketing content should be accessible. This includes ensuring websites, job postings, and application processes are designed to be user-friendly for individuals with disabilities. Tools like Accessible Web can help companies audit and improve their digital accessibility.

Case Studies

SAP’s Autism at Work Program

SAP’s Autism at Work program is a pioneering initiative that focuses on integrating individuals with autism into the workforce. By providing tailored support and accommodations, SAP has successfully created a productive and inclusive environment for neurodiverse employees.

Ernst & Young’s Neurodiversity Centers of Excellence

Ernst & Young has established Neurodiversity Centers of Excellence that leverage the unique talents of neurodiverse professionals. These centers provide a supportive environment that includes specialized training, mentorship, and career development opportunities.


Inclusion is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. It requires continuous education, empathy, and action from all of us. By seeing and valuing individuals with disabilities, we contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.

Let’s use Learning Disability Week as a catalyst for change. Let’s challenge ourselves to see, hear, and include every individual, regardless of their abilities. Because when candidates and team members ask, “Do You See Me?” the answer they get back should always be a resounding “Yes.”


  1. Microsoft Accessibility Features
  2. Google’s Disability Inclusion Efforts
  3. Accenture Inclusion and Diversity
  4. SAP Autism at Work
  5. Ernst & Young Neurodiversity Centers of Excellence
  6. LinkedIn on Supporting Job Seekers with Disabilities
  7. Accessible Web

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