The Power in Six Pages and Embracing Incremental Progress in Organizational Goals

The Power of Incremental Progress

Last week, I wrote about how I don't do New Year's resolutions. There's nothing magical about January 1st. However, this doesn’t mean I undervalue the importance of progress and daily forward momentum. Before focusing on what needs to change, it's crucial to engage in pre-work, which includes self-awareness, understanding the motivation for change, and developing change management skills. And just as I emphasized in my previous discussion on the strategic necessity in talent acquisition, the idea that "hope is not a strategy" also holds true when navigating organizational change. Real transformation isn't about grand gestures made once a year; it's about understanding the journey, embracing steady, incremental progress, and making meaningful improvements over time.

Inspiration from Notable Writers

Just this morning, my CXO Dwane Lay shared a conversation between Stephen King and George R.R. Martin. Stephen King sets a manageable goal of writing six pages a day, allowing him to complete a book in two months. This principle of small, consistent steps is highly effective and can be applied in various contexts, including organizational development.

(NSFW Volume Warning: The "F bomb" is dropped in line one, be warned)
The Role of Specialized Agencies in Transformation

Transforming an organization's people programs, such as developing an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) or a neuroinclusive recruitment strategy, can appear overwhelming. This is where the subtle yet impactful involvement of a specialized agency can make a substantial difference.

When it comes to crafting a comprehensive EVP, an agency's partner role often involves deep dives into the company's ethos, uncovering the essence of the organization through extensive research and employee interviews. Your agency partner should also be focused on uncovering the values person-environment alignment between the employee and organization. This will create a nuanced and authentic EVP which not only resonates deeply within the company and appeals to prospective talent, but also drives measurable Return On Investment (ROI). While many things can be done in-house, this is one area that makes sense to partner externally. Team members are more likely to provide honest, valuable feedback to external researchers than internal employees.

Similarly, in the realm of neuroinclusive recruitment, the expertise that an agency brings is invaluable. Agencies can guide the redesign of recruitment processes to be more inclusive, provide essential training to HR teams, and ensure that the company’s practices align with the latest laws and best practices. This strategic approach not only enhances diversity but also positions the company as an inclusive and forward-thinking employer.

Moreover, the journey of organizational change is one of continuous evaluation and adaptation. Here, agencies play a critical role in providing analytics, feedback, and insights, helping companies to agilely adapt their strategies in response to internal and external dynamics.

Celebrating and Leveraging Successes

A pivotal component of any organizational journey is the recognition and amplification of success stories. This practice is not just about acknowledging achievements; it's a strategic tool for fostering a positive workplace culture, enhancing the company's external reputation, and maintaining a competitive edge in the talent market.

In-House Team Members: Building a Culture of Recognition

Team members at all levels play a crucial role in creating an environment where success is noticed and celebrated. This requires a shift from seeing recognition as a top-down approach to understanding it as a collective responsibility. Encouraging peer-to-peer recognition can have a profound impact on morale and motivation. Teams should be empowered to celebrate small wins and major milestones alike. This could involve sharing success stories in internal newsletters, highlighting achievements in team meetings, or using internal social platforms to give shoutouts. Such practices help in building a culture where every team member feels valued and their contributions recognized.

Leaders: Champions of Success Amplification

Leaders within the organization need to take an active role in celebrating and leveraging successes. This goes beyond occasional acknowledgments; it requires a consistent and genuine effort to recognize the hard work and achievements of their teams. Leaders should be champions of their team’s successes, ensuring that these stories are not just heard but celebrated across the organization. They can do this by:

  1. Regularly Sharing Success Stories: Leaders can share success stories during company-wide meetings, through internal communication channels, and in one-on-one interactions. This helps in setting a precedent for what is valued and celebrated within the organization.
  2. Integrating Success into the Company Narrative: Leaders should weave these success stories into the broader narrative of the company. This includes discussing successes in external communications, like press releases, social media, and industry events, showcasing the company as a thriving, successful place to work.
  3. Linking Success to Business Goals: By connecting individual or team successes to the overall business objectives, leaders can demonstrate how each contribution moves the organization forward. This alignment not only motivates employees but also helps in building a sense of shared purpose.
  4. Providing Platforms for Recognition: Leaders can create platforms where employees' achievements are showcased. This could be in the form of awards, featured stories on the company website, or speaking opportunities at industry events.
  5. Encouraging a Feedback Culture: Constructive feedback, when coupled with recognition, can reinforce positive behaviors and outcomes. Leaders should foster an environment where feedback is regularly given and received, contributing to continuous improvement and learning.

By recognizing and leveraging successes, both in-house team members and leaders contribute significantly to enhancing the company's internal culture and external reputation. This approach not only attracts top talent but also plays a vital role in retaining the best performers, as it creates an environment where employees feel genuinely appreciated and motivated to contribute to the organization's ongoing success.

Conclusion: The Path to Sustainable Organizational Growth

The journey towards improving your organization's people programs is a continuous process of incremental improvements. The partnership with a specialized recruitment marketing and employer branding agency offers a strategic and nuanced approach to this transformation. It ensures that every step taken is impactful, leading to a more robust, inclusive, and dynamic organization. How do you ensure forward momentum in your organization?

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